National leagues and domestic cups

This is an overview of all leagues and cup competitions of the selected country in a given season. The league composition, champions, promoted and and relegated clubs as well as the top scorers can be displayed for any season in every country. In addition, the results of a country's representatives in the international club competitions are also shown.


Domestic leagues & cups

CompetitionChampion/WinnerPromotedRelegatedTop ScorerForeignersGoals per match
Paris Saint-Germain  SM Caen  EA Guingamp
Kylian Mbappé 33
56.1 %2.56
FC Metz  Stade Brestois 29  FC Metz  GFC Ajaccio  AS Béziers  Red Star FC
Gaëtan Charbonnier 27
49.8 %2.19
  Le Mans FC  Rodez AF  FC Chambly Oise
Kévin Rocheteau 15
28.8 %2.17
  Sporting Club de Toulon
Pape Ibnou Ba 27
27.7 %2.80
  Le Puy Foot 43 Auvergne
20.6 %2.18
  FC Bastia-Borgo
23.0 %2.70
  US Créteil-Lusitanos
22.0 %2.64
22.9 %2.97
9.2 %2.65
Jony Ramos 18
21.9 %2.51
27.0 %2.95
9.3 %2.28
Stade Rennais FC
Franck Julienne 5
34.1 %3.54
Paris Saint-Germain
70.9 %4.00
RC Strasbourg Alsace
54.3 %4.84
AS Saint-Étienne U19
26.7 %3.14
73.5 %5.00
33.5 %2.50