Leicester City UEFA U19

Leicester City UEFA U19
  • Squad size: 0
  • Average age: 0.0
  • Foreigners: -

Squad number history

This statistic shows which squad numbers have already been assigned in their history and to which players.

Number All players
Max Bramley (16/17)
Sam French (16/17), Cameron Yates (16/17)
Morgan Brown (16/17), Kyle Gruno (16/17)
Morgan Brown (16/17), Conor Tee (16/17), Kyle Gruno (16/17), Elliot Webber (16/17), Ethan Hodby (16/17)
Tom Fielding (16/17), Ethan Hodby (16/17), Morgan Brown (16/17), Kairo Edwards-John (16/17)
Conor Tee (16/17), Khanya Leshabela (16/17), Tom Fielding (16/17), Elliot Webber (16/17)
George Heaven (16/17), Conor Tee (16/17)